
Monday, January 7, 2008

School Starts Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hallelujah!!! Christmas vacation is over!! School is back in session tomorrow. While it has been probably the best Christmas vacation I have had in many years, I am still very happy to put the kids back in school and to return to some normal days. That started today with Cheer resuming. Morgan had mini practice tonight where she limped through due to her toes hurting. It was only a little over two weeks, but it felt like longer. When you go somewhere every day, I guess two weeks seems longer. :)

I tried to get Chris into an Orthopedic today, but I didn't have any luck. He had been seen at Children's Healtcare of Atlanta, and they don't open until 11 for me to get the fax of the X-ray report. I called yesterday, but they wouldn't fax the report to me a lowly parent. The cited HIPAA as their excuse which is a bunch of bunk in my book. I think people just like to use HIPAA as an excuse. For some reason, she couldn't fax it to me, but when I called back and gave the Shriner's hospital fax it was fine. Now, how did she know that was Shriner's?? I could have given her my fax number, right? Bunk, I say. Bunk. For that matter, I didn't even have to give her a release or anything. Usually, you have to at least complete a form and sign it. Oh well. Back to the adventure today. So, I called 3 other offices, but they said he would need a referral from the insurance before they could see him. Of course, that would result in another visit and would reduce the time available to be seen. I thought we were going to make it at Shriner's, but they had to have the X-ray report in order to schedule him. So, they finally got that from those dorks in Atlanta at 11:10. Unfortunately, their clinic wasn't open in the afternoon. So, they did get him scheduled for 8:45 in the morning. :) I am glad that Chris will be seen by the great docs at Shriner's. I was really impressed with them when Morgan went there.

We had an e-prescribing seminar today for our providers. As much as providers talk about wanting to e-prescribe, I am not sure that they really do. We had only 30% of the registered providers "show" for the webinar. I am sure some of them didn't attend due to emergencies, but some probably forgot and some probably just weren't that interested. I think e-Rx is HOT, but it would be a lot hotter if scheduled drugs were included.

Well, I am off to the land of school starting back dreams. Today, my official weigh-in showed total loss of 30.5 pounds to date in just over 3 months. Woo Hoo! Go Amy, Go Amy, Go Amy...:)

The National Championship Game is on now. I am surprised at how it is going so far. Of course, I have to pull for the SEC even though I am not sure that it isn't harder for me to pull for LSU than it is to pull for Florida. I do feel badly for Dr. A who is the only Ohio State University (I refuse to put the The at the beginning) person I have EVER liked. :)


  1. GO ANY!!!!!! 30.5 pounds rounds to 31 POUNDS!!! That is beyond awesome. 30+ pounds is amazing, and it seems like no time at all. I also would like to point out that because of your infectious weight loss behavior, even more pounds have been lost globally. Surely you should get a little kharma credit for that? We all made it through Christmas without ballooning, too!!!
