
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Warpath and 5500 Cigs not smoked!!!!!!!!!!!

I have been on the warpath at work this week. I am not really sure what exactly started it, but it just seems that there is a high degree of slacking going on. There aren't really a lot of things that set me off but there are some like slacking, lack of customer service, saying bad things about fellow employees, and generally bad attitude. So, I guess I hit my tipping point with these this week. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday. :)

Today, I hit 5500 cigarettes not smoked. I still can't believe it. For some reason, this stupid counter says I have only saved 19 days. I still don't know how that is possible - seems like it should be more. I will say that I can still tell that my lungs are paying the price when I exercise. I am thankful that they have had over 7 months to recover. :)

Last night, I was yelling at Morgan for not doing her homework in time. It was a LONG night. This morning, she hands me an essay she wrote for school called, "Why I like my Mom." Talk about GUILT. Man, they really know how to get you.


  1. I'd also like to think you have saved more than $946!

  2. We are proud of you , Amy!!!Grandma and Grandpa Gleason

  3. I think I have saved more that that just from not going into the store as often. However, it is about 275 packs, and that is about right on the money. However, I haven't had to buy Morgan a candy bar and drink every time!!!
