
Monday, October 27, 2008

At the office

I shocked everyone by showing up in the office again. I do love having Krishan as an office mate, but I miss the Dev lab. For those of you who never had the pleasure, the Dev lab was a room with no windows and a very shoddy table that lined the rooms (it served as a desk but it was very fragile). It also had whiteboards at each end. In this room, we had 7 people as we kept adding to the room as time went on. When I first started at Bond, there were only 4 people there. To me, the Dev lab symbolizes the beginning of the Bond era, and I really enjoyed the camaraderie and team feeling it had. I truly believe that the team atmosphere and sharing information increased our time to market and reduced inefficiencies. We could quickly have meetings, easily hear what was happening with other projects, and generally gain a better understanding of the product without leaving our desks. Now, the dev lab minus me is in the bowling alley until the office closes at the end of the year. It is going to be very weird having everyone be virtual. In some ways, I think it will be nice as I won't spend 1.5 hours of my day in a car for no reason. On the other hand, I think we will have to work hard to keep the comaraderie going. I am still in denial that Krishan is moving, and I refuse to believe it. :)

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